Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Books of the Year, Already?

It seems a little bit early, considering November isn't even over yet, to be listing the books of the year, but Quill and Quire has done it. Head on over to their site because Google is being a little bitch today and not linking things properly.

While I am wasting time in the Science Library before my last class before Thanksgiving Break (can I get a hallelujah?) I thought that I would blog my own list and I've also decided to go print a whole bunch of crochet patterns on their printers. Because you know what? The university gives you printing money every semester, and I never use it. This being my last semester, I could probably print three hundred patterns. I won't, but I'm going to use some of their money for sure, because they have no problems taking it from me.

RANTing aside...

Le List.
(Side note- I'm pulling these from the strictly book blog and my facebook page, so if the reviews sound canned...they are.)
(Side side note- No particular order. I'm not that organized.)


I LOVE this movie. It is my absolute favorite.
How does a story about a prostitute become one of the most beloved movies of all time?

1- Genius writing

2-Genius adaptation.

The novel is short- just about 100 pages, which I suppose would make it a novella. The writing is wonderful, though. Many of the scenes are the same, but with slight twists given to them in the movie to fit the overall romance plot that is non-existent in the book. Holly is a thoroughly lovable character, the same character really, that she is in the movie. The book however, is tragic. I cried.
Yes, people who know me are saying "you cry every time you watch the movie"

It's a different kind of cry. The book is tragic. But beautiful. Capote is great, read it.


This book came to me with high recommendations, and having read The Historian, I had high expectations. That said, this book didn't disappoint that much, but a little bit. It was as good as The Historian, but it was by no means a bad book, just different. It was much slower paced, more cerebral, but still engaging, with interesting character arcs involving people that I got to know and like. It could be a little bit shorter, which was really the only problem that I had with it. It was a little dry at times, but overall, I definitely recommend it- it's quite good.


Horrifying. So horrifying, in fact, that you just can't put it down. Great characters, great story, I can't wait to read the rest of them. And this is coming from someone who doesn't like Young Adult as a general rule. Definitely find the time for this book.

4. THE MALTESE FALCON -- DASHIELL HAMMETT (he has one of the greatest names, ever)

Having seen the movie first, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Hollywood had done an excellent job in adapting the novel to the screen. Sam Spade may be one of the most likeable scoundrels ever created. Hammett's dialogue is flawless, and the novel as a whole is a completely enjoyable experience. Highly recommended to those who are fans of the genre


I really liked this book. I'm a sucker for anything Spain, especially the Spanish Civil War, and this book explores Franco's rise to power in the subplot of an epic novel about the life of a cellist. What really resonated with me was a point made at the end: Mussolini was overthrown, Hitler killed himself, Franco ruled destructively until his death in 1975. How did the world let that happen?
Overall, this was a really engaging read, likeable characters, easy to read style, I recommend it.


This book was a little dense at times, and a little bit confusing, with all of the characters and the shifting back and forth in time. I was incredibly impressed with the author's ability to work in almost every historical figure from the French Revolution somehow, and the mystery of The Montglane Service was a good one. Also, it was fun to try to play the Chess Game along with the characters. overall, I recommend it; it's a good, intelligent mystery with a little mysticism thrown in too.


For about 200 pages of this, I didn't think I was going to like it at all- it started slow, and I thought it was just another love story. I was completely wrong. The second half of the book flew by and it was amazing how all of the stories from the past were tied together and tied to Inferno. Brilliant, and not just another sappy love story!

Okay, that's it. You get seven. And, as I'm sure you've figured out, this list differs in that it is not books of the year PUBLISHED this year, it is books of the year that I read this year.
Also, it is my goal to read a whole bunch more between the end of the semester and the beginning of the new year, so you will probably get a further list at the actual end of the year.

And now, to print patterns with university resources. Epic win :)

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