I had a very productive day yesterday, despite all the hurricane panic. To our credit, we didn't panic. We filled up bottles with water, put some extra containers of ice in the freezer, bought a few non perishables, and put down the storm windows. There was none of the mass hysteria that I saw on facebook from friends and family elsewhere.
I did race against Irene to get my August novel finished, in case we lost power. I made it! I hit 50,000 words and wrapped up the whole thing yesterday afternoon. It's short, and will definitely need more added to it, but the basic plot arc is there and ready to work with during my months of revision before November.
I also finished a pair of knitted baby booties. Thanks again to Lizzie, over at Books and Sushi for alerting me to the pattern. It was a perfect, simple first 3 dimensional object pattern.
On Friday after work I bought materials for my first pair of socks. I'm excited to try them, but first I really have to make some substantial progress on Rosa's 2nd Birthday blanket. (She turned two on the 22nd, but we couldn't make it up there for the party. We're planning on going soon though, so I really need to get going, or it will be a Christmas present instead.)
I have so many projects. The next post will probably be lists of all the things I want to do writing-wise before NaNoProper and all the things yarn-wise I want to do before Rhinebeck.
For now, I leave you with a picture, as I go off to work on a little girl's crayon blanket.
I love the booties! Good for you for not getting in a panic! I am glad to hear that you made it through well!